Thursday, 8 November 2007. The lesson was going on properly when unexpectedly the bell rang. I looked at my watch but it was not time to leave yet. All at once all the students stood up in a hurry as if they were all in perfect harmony, put on their coats and left the classroom immediately. I didn’t know what was happening. Was the school on fire? Noooo, it was just a fire-practice! I was glad to hear it! Thank goodness! Everybody rushed towards the emergency exits. When we were all outside in the street, I could make out a couple of teachers I had when I was studying BUP and COU at another state secondary school located in Mataró as well. Was I suffering hallucinations? I was dumbfounded as it’s ages since I last saw them. And now they were in front of me as if by magic. Both of them were my Maths teachers, who had ended up teaching at IES Damià Campeny due to its discipline and its good reputation. We exchanged impressions for a while and they gave me some useful advice to “survive” the practicum. I believe they were as amazed as me. Sheer coincidence!
Ja em deien els pares que em dedicaria a l'ensenyament d'idiomes, ja que quan era molt petita i el meu germà tot just començava a dir les seves primeres paraules inintel·ligibles, em demanaven que traduís allò que deia. Així, podríem dir que ja vaig néixer amb aquesta vocació. Per mi, ensenyar és fer descobrir un munt de coses noves, és transmetre uns coneixements partint d'una il·lusió i, sobretot, és educar. Un professor educa a través de la matèria que imparteix comunicant aspectes tan positius com el respecte per altres cultures i el descobriment d'aquestes. Educar és transmetre una sèrie de valors als alumnes perquè es formin com a éssers humans que aprenen a pensar i reflexionar sobre diferents aspectes de la vida. Els permet créixer individualment i integrar-se en aquesta societat tan heterogènia i cada vegada més exigent professionalment.

"On hi ha educació no hi distinció de classes." Confuci (551aC-478aC)

"Diga-m'ho i ho oblidaré, ensenya-m'ho i ho recordaré, involucra'm i ho aprendré." Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
"Les poques coses que he après no tenen valor comparades amb les que ignoro i no desespero a aprendre." René Descartes (1596-1650)
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007
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