Monday, 3 November 2007 / Wednesday, 5 November 2007. I went to the secondary school as every Monday afternoon. It was a quiet day as students had already finished their exams except for one. On Wednesday they would have to do the speaking exam and since it would be the first one in their lives, they felt a bit nervous. Anyway, on Monday they didn't practise for this oral exam. Instead, they were told to finish the 'revision' exercises they started doing last week.
Wednesday was a really more exciting day. My tutor had planned to do the oral exam in an hour just with a half of the students. I felt very glad when she asked me to take part in it. The class, which consisted of 14 students, was divided into groups of two people. Every couple had to prepare a dialogue where they had to include some information required by their teacher. They had half an hour to develop their dialogue and after this period of time, my tutor and I started the exam. I was given a sheet that I had to fill in with the following information about each student: fluency, clarity, pronunciation, use of vocabulary, grammar, etc. The sheet was actually very complete. The exam consisted of two different parts. The first one was the dialogue, which they had to learn by heart, and the second one was a list of questions we had to ask them in order to assess every student separately. So it was an exam where both cooperation and individual work were assessed.
Ja em deien els pares que em dedicaria a l'ensenyament d'idiomes, ja que quan era molt petita i el meu germà tot just començava a dir les seves primeres paraules inintel·ligibles, em demanaven que traduís allò que deia. Així, podríem dir que ja vaig néixer amb aquesta vocació. Per mi, ensenyar és fer descobrir un munt de coses noves, és transmetre uns coneixements partint d'una il·lusió i, sobretot, és educar. Un professor educa a través de la matèria que imparteix comunicant aspectes tan positius com el respecte per altres cultures i el descobriment d'aquestes. Educar és transmetre una sèrie de valors als alumnes perquè es formin com a éssers humans que aprenen a pensar i reflexionar sobre diferents aspectes de la vida. Els permet créixer individualment i integrar-se en aquesta societat tan heterogènia i cada vegada més exigent professionalment.

"On hi ha educació no hi distinció de classes." Confuci (551aC-478aC)

"Diga-m'ho i ho oblidaré, ensenya-m'ho i ho recordaré, involucra'm i ho aprendré." Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
"Les poques coses que he après no tenen valor comparades amb les que ignoro i no desespero a aprendre." René Descartes (1596-1650)
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