Wednesday, 28th November 2007. On Wednesday I spent more than five hours at my secondary school. When I woke up, I went to IES Damià Campeny with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. My tutor had told me that they had the listening and reading exams. I felt a bit nervous and impatient as if I were also a student who was about to do an exam. I quickly understood why I was feeling this way: I had been following their progress since the end of October and going there practically every day. So I had the impression that my 3rd ESO students had become an important part of my training as a teacher. I felt myself as a second teacher for them and I also felt that their successes or failures in the exams were partly my responsibility. Perhaps you will think that I am too exaggerated but I've got involved in their learning and I appreciate them a lot! Anyway, when I met my tutor at school, she suggested me not go to class because it would be boring to stay there without doing anything. She offered me to attend a 'guàrdia' so that I could learn more about school management. Of course, I accepted because it was something new for me as well. My tutor introduced me to Mar, another teacher, who was very kind to me. She told me that there are two sorts of 'guàrdies': the 'recess' ones and the 'inside' ones. In the first ones, there must be three teachers placed in different strategic points to see that children come to no harm or to avoid possible problems or fights among them. In the second ones, there are different tasks a teacher of 'guàrdia' has to carry out. For instance, a task consists of walking up and down to check that all the students are in their class and there is a teacher with them. If a teacher doesn't come to school and he or she misses a lesson, the teacher of 'guàrdia' will record his or her name in the computer to show evidence of his/her absence. The teacher of 'guàrdia' is also in charge of those pupils who present a supporting document from their family when they have to leave school because of an appointment with the doctor, the dentist, etc. The teacher must make a photocopy of this document and give proof of it by reporting the incident in the computer.
After the recess, I wanted to stay for another hour and as my tutor had also prepared an exam for another group of 3rd ESO, I decided not to go to class. I remained in the teacher's room where I met another English CAP teacher who invited me to go with her during her 'guàrdia'. So I repeated the experience. Anyway, this time was a bit different because she showed me the school and I could take lots of photographs. I hope you will like them!
Ja em deien els pares que em dedicaria a l'ensenyament d'idiomes, ja que quan era molt petita i el meu germà tot just començava a dir les seves primeres paraules inintel·ligibles, em demanaven que traduís allò que deia. Així, podríem dir que ja vaig néixer amb aquesta vocació. Per mi, ensenyar és fer descobrir un munt de coses noves, és transmetre uns coneixements partint d'una il·lusió i, sobretot, és educar. Un professor educa a través de la matèria que imparteix comunicant aspectes tan positius com el respecte per altres cultures i el descobriment d'aquestes. Educar és transmetre una sèrie de valors als alumnes perquè es formin com a éssers humans que aprenen a pensar i reflexionar sobre diferents aspectes de la vida. Els permet créixer individualment i integrar-se en aquesta societat tan heterogènia i cada vegada més exigent professionalment.

"On hi ha educació no hi distinció de classes." Confuci (551aC-478aC)

"Diga-m'ho i ho oblidaré, ensenya-m'ho i ho recordaré, involucra'm i ho aprendré." Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
"Les poques coses que he après no tenen valor comparades amb les que ignoro i no desespero a aprendre." René Descartes (1596-1650)
sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2007
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